Survivor: Stephen Fishbach Blogs About Jeff Kent's Vendetta Against Jonathan Penner

"Don't sink everybody else and yourself because you're pissed off at one person."
– Ken Stafford, Survivor: Thailand

Call him Ahab.

You know – the crazed old sea captain who leads his crew to their certain doom in his quest to destroy the White Whale?

Except in Survivor: Philippines, the captain is named Jeff Kent. And the white whale goes by Jonathan instead of Moby Dick.

Who knows what trauma caused Jeff Kent's vendetta against Jonathan Penner? Penner didn't rip off his leg. But maybe Kent blames him for his bum knee? The only sure thing is that Kent will destroy everything he loves in his monomaniacal obsession to harpoon his former ally.

"Penner's been my priority since day one," he says. Then later, "I'll join any game as long as I can get Penner out before I get out." Still later, "From hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee." (Okay, that last one was the real Captain Ahab.)