Rihanna Wants Children 'Eventually,' She Says

Dating? No. Wanting kids? Yes.

"Eventually" is Rihanna's first reaction to the question about becoming a mom, before she quickly blurts out, "I mean, absolutely."

The inquisitor, in this case, is Ellen DeGeneres, in an interview on Wednesday's The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

And the talk-show host asks the singer, 24, whose private life (with or without Chris Brown) is seldom without fascination, "Would you do it alone, or do you want to wait until you’re in a relationship or married?"

"I would prefer to ... have a full family," Rihanna says. "I'm pretty sure I could handle [a family] if I had to on my own, but that's not what I'm striving for."

While Rihanna had already said earlier on the show that she isn't dating anyone right now, DeGeneres circles back, insisting, "I want to get back to your dating situation. We're going to narrow it down so anyone watching out there [can help decide who is] right for you."
source: Yahoo.fr